Hannah  (Chair)

Hannah has two children at Bardsey school and has called the village home for seven years. She got involved with FoBPS in 2020 - with the aim of helping with fundraising and also running the type of events that she remembers fondly from her own childhood. Monday-Thursday she’s an accountant with KPMG but on Fridays can often be found at their allotment at the bottom of Woodacre Lane. She is also part of the Bardsey Gardeners committee in the village. Feel free to say hello if you see her on a school run - the committee are always happy for any help with fundraising and events and it’s a great way to feel connected to our school and wider community.

Emma (Treasurer)

Emma brings a wealth of accounting experience, as well as enthusiasm to the role. She already supports the community by being involved in collecting for the local food banks, supporting older village members, and together with her husband supports the local scout group. Her son Jacob is already at school and her daughter will join in 2023. She is excited to help and support Bardsey school to grow over the coming years.

Joanna  (Secretary)

Joanna is our secretary and has Benji in lower school and Susie coming up in September. She is eager to support our caring pastoral school and proud to be part of its community. Joanna is keen to forge links between the school and the wider neighbourhood, including the local businesses, and organisations which we all feel make Bardsey and East Keswick such a fantastic place to live. Joanna enjoys being part of the FoBPS team and through this getting to know other families at the school, and is glad to be doing her bit to help increase available resources for our children.


Chloe is our longest standing committee member. She joined the school as its reception teacher in 2018 and despite all of the calls on her time, especially over the last few years, has been a steadfast supporter of FoBPS since. She provides an invaluable link between us as parents and the school, helping us focus our fund raising aims where they would be most useful for the children.


Sarah brings her fantastic creative and practical skill set to the FoBPS table, as well as her wicked sense of humour! She has two children three years apart coming up through the school. Her main hope is through FoBPS to be able to help directly improve the quality of resources and nature of the school environment.


Kate has two sons at Bardsey, one in lower school and one in upper. She has always been a keen supporter of the school but joined FoBPS to directly support fund raising and has kindly volunteered to be in charge of gaining grant support where we can. Kate would be really keen to apply for any relevant business support or grants available so please approach her or send us an email if you’re aware of anything that could be relevant. Kate’s practical intelligence and kind heartedness bring a lot to our table.


George is Mum to Annabelle in lower school. Despite working full time she generously uses her in-depth understanding of health and safety to ensure our events are risk assessed to a very high standard which, especially over the last few years, has been invaluable. She is keen to help in fund raising for our school as she is aware of how supporting FoBPS directly benefits the children and community.

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